The Pine Ridge Shooters Club Meeting is held at the Pine Ridge Community Center and will Start at 6pm and finish by no later than 7:30 pm. All members and others interested are invited!
- Organizational Management Plans – Mike Perry
- Upcoming Events 5 minutes – Keith Landers
– Defensive Shoot Class TBD– Women’s Social Meeting ( Plans)
- Safe Shooting Techniques – Don Lapiere
- Dry Fire Techniques – Mike and Sue
- Outpost Range 15 Minutes – Travis Hisman – Outpost Instructor/Ex Special Forces
- Open Discussion 15 minutes- Keith
- Next steps – After the meeting for those who want to discuss (30 Minutes)
- Rifle
- Shotgun
- Reloading
I signed in at the first meeting. How do I become a member, or am I already?
(I had badge number 150 at the initial meeting)
Yes you are a member and your number is 150. See you at the meeting tomorrow!
Keith Landers
Hi, I am new to the area and would like to attend your meeting tonight. I am friends with Pam Rutzebeck and Sue Wasserman. Met them at the club we belong to A Girl and A Gun.
Thank you!
Looking forward to meeting you Kathleen!
Please go signup ahead of time out on our website to save time tonight!